Team Directory


Andrea Achilli

Assistant Professor, Chemical and Environmental Engineering

Gus Hahn-Powell

Assistant Professor, Linguistics

Luisa Ikner

Assistant Professor, Environmental Science

Ken Knox

Ken Knox

Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, College of Medicine, Phoenix

Bonnie LaFleur

Bonnie LaFleur

Research Professor, R. Ken Coit College of Pharmacy

Kelli Marquardt

Graduate Research Assistant, Eller College of Management

Mark Nichter

Regents' Professor, Anthropology

Kristen Pogreba-Brown

Kristen Pogreba-Brown

Associate Professor, Epidemiology

John Purdy

John Purdy

Assistant Professor, Immunobiology

Portrait of Vignesh Subbian

Vignesh Subbian

Associate Professor, Systems & Industrial Engineering and Biomedical Engineering

Guang Yao

Associate Professor, Molecular and Cellular Biology

Jane Zavisca

Associate Professor, Sociology